Clean the Highway
Back to school Giveaway
Bowling party
Crab Feast
Feed the homeless
"Feed the Homeless"
Be More Giving- December 23rd Be More Inc will be partnering with the Weinberg Housing and Resource Center. The event will be from 3:00 pm-7:00pm. We are asking families to donate home-made dishes or money for supplies Ex: Turkey, Ham, Mac n’ cheese, Dressing, String Beans, Cranberry, Greens, Dessert, Rolls, Fork, Knives, Spoons, Paper goods, Cups, Drinks, Napkins, Etc.*Please put food in disposable tin pans* Please let me know if you can help by December 12thAsya Bussie: abussie.bemoreinc@outlook.com or call (443)629-0696
"Basketball Skills Camp"
Be More Active- These kids range from ages 7 to 17 and are involved with basketball at their local high schools, middle schools, or AAU teams. At the 2015 Be More Skills camp they will receive coaching and training that will allow them to not only achieve their goals on the court, but in life. They will learn more about healthy living and an active lifestyle while learning skilling to help them become better athletes
"Sock it to Me Drive"
Be More Giving- This Christmas Be More Inc are giving away socks to low income/ Homeless families. Partnering with Baltimore County Public Schools we are collecting socks. Socks are highly requested my homeless men and women. Their feet get cold and wet, so lets help them get warm and dry!
The Sock drive is from December 1st-19th.
Christmas Eve, December 24th we wil hand out socks in Downtown Baltimore. So no need to get cold feet - support Be More Inc. by keeping the homeless toes toasty warm this Christmas. Although socks are a basic need, for those homeless, access to socks can often be limited. Something as simple as socks can impact their life and remember BE MORE!